By Alice from SMT Performances | 20/02/2022
Your feedback helps us to improve Pegase Moto. And that's why we are happy to offer you a new version of the Pegase Moto application which should delight you all…
To take advantage of it, it's easy: after updating your Pegase Moto app (on the App Store or PlayStore), click on the helmet at the top right of the application's home page, then "Settings" and "Anti-theft Alerts".
You will then be able to adjust the sensitivity of your Pegase GPS tracker, activate calls in case of suspicious activity or movement, and program the automatic activation of the anti-theft device.
We'll explain it all below!
Setting up anti-theft alerts:
Pegase now offers 3 levels of alerts that you can set according to your preferences.
This is the most sensitive level and will alert you to the slightest vibration on your vehicle. This alert is ideal for a motorbike parked in a private car park. You can choose to receive it by notification, email, or disable it.
This level is triggered when your vehicle undergoes repeated movements.
This alert is ideal for a motorbike parked outside. You can choose to receive it by notification, email.
This is the most critical alert level, as it warns you when your motorbike is on the move. You can choose to receive it by notification, email, and via a phone call or SMS.
Activation and programming of phone calls and SMS:
Here it is! The big news you've all been waiting for!
You can now choose to receive phone calls over SMS (for level 3 alerts only). It's simple: by selecting "call", you will receive calls instead of the usual text messages. Even better, you can choose a time slot during which you prefer to receive a text message rather than a call!
Little advice : remember to register 06 44 63 12 08 as Pegase Moto in your contacts !
Article published by Alice from SMT Performances on 20/02/2022